Karts and Engines must be declared during the Friday practice day per the listed schedule. Each driver is allowed to declare one chassis and two engines for each event weekend. All engines and chassis must be declared. Checked in engines do not have to be from the same manufacturer.
Chassis may not be replaced without the approval of the series tech director. Engines that are declared cannot have the seal broken without approval by the series tech director. Engines must be sealed any time they are on the track during a Challenge of the Americas weekend. Country of Origin is free for engines in the Challenge of the Americas.
Failure to adhere to the posted Pre Tech or Declarations time schedules may result in a time penalty added to the next competitive element. Failure to adhere to the chassis and engine sealing and declarations rules will result in penalties. These penalties may be, but not limited to, exclusion of said equipment from event while being counted towards competitors’ declared total, timed penalties for the next competitive event and/or exclusion from the event.